We’ve gotten a little tired of the same old venison dishes, so we decided to make some venison meatballs!

We pulled out the old meat grinder, and after cutting the venison into smaller chunks, we started grinding away.

We added some duck fat that we saved from our last roast duck, since venison is not very fatty and we didn’t want to meatballs to be too dry!

This is what our ground venison looked like after we were done:


Then we added some of our sage:


And our garlic:


And a couple of our eggs and some bread crumbs for texture.

Then we cooked them up in a little olive oil:


We cooked up a rue (after the removing the meatballs from the pan) using the oils and fats from the pan, coconut milk, flour, and olive oil. We added some more garlic, salt, and pepper and once the rue was almost finished we added the meatballs back in to let the flavors meld.

We served it over rice and then promptly inhaled it:

meatballs and rice


