well, here’s the thing…

we don’t seem to have great “time management during special occasions” skills, as evident by our lack of posts on wednesday, thursday, and today (well, this is a post, but not a very valuable one!).

we’ve noticed that whenever we have family visiting (i.e. we are having tons of fun and not really in our routine) we just can’t find the time to write a post. and we’ve had family visiting since wednesday.

what we’ve also learned: we need to write our posts in advance so that we can still post them in a timely manner! we plan to do this from now on, and the test will be coming soon: our wedding shower is this coming week and the wedding is  just 3 months away! these occasions will keep us busy and give us the chance to prove to ourselves that we really can be proactive and write our posts a few days early so we can keep up our monday-friday schedule.

here it goes!
